A group of ex Seletar bods join in a chat room at
weekdays 1500-1630hrs (UK time) you will need to register first though
Updated 10th September 2005
The many guard duties that everyone had to endure at RAF Seletar is highlighted in 'Seletar Remembered' by Alex
Carrie on http://www.activeboard.com/forum.spark?forumID=46291 makes you wonder how todays Army etc would cope with this lot!!
........and more reading from Alex Carrie on his trip to Hong Kong for a month https://splashdown2.tripod.com/id12.html
Updated 1st October 2005
An account of flying to Africa by Pilot John Payne of 511 Squadron
Updated 10th October 2005
An account of Hastings aircraft and ATC Cadets by Doug Adams
Updated 22nd October 2005
John (Spike) Castle's pictures of a return to RAF Katunayake in October 2005 http://community.webshots.com/album/35866796peTIYd
Updated 29th October 2005
Geoff Coates memories of a trip to Maralinga in 1957
Updated 5th November 2005
An anecdote from Ernie Bullock on El Adem
Updated 13th November 2005
Les Bywaters on the Hastings
Updated 26th November 2005
Updates on members and threads on RAF Forum
Updated 3rd December 2005 one 1958 Christmas Card from Katunayake on 1st RAF Katunayake Album and two photos
of 29 Sqn Lightnings on 29 Sqn Album
Updated December 17th 2005
Recalling events at Seletar and Tengah in 1961 by Stephen Cochrane
22nd January 2006
Two stories from readers on Hastings crashes
Updated 4th February 2006
New photos of RAF Changi from 1962 has been posted on the Webshots album below
Updated 11th February 2006
Cecil Irvine has sent in an eye witness of a Hastings crash WJ335 at Abingdon in 1953
40 new members have joined the forum this week
Saturday 25th February 2006
46 new members joined the RAF forum this week
Saturday March 11th 2006
Much activity on http://www.activeboard.com/forum.spark?forumID=46291 and more photos on Webshots been added
Saturday March 18th 2006
Many new photos of El Adem have been added to the Webshots album
from 1957 by Ted Marston/Bruno Prince
Saturday April 1st 2006
Last month there was over 50000 hits to the forum, over 1400 new comments and over 50 new ex RAF bods join in
the banter, why not come and join in, its free!
Saturday 8th April 2006
Lots of activity on the above board in this last week
Wednesday 26th April 2006
The RAF Forum board now ranks second of 12 million pages on a Google search engine http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=royal+air+force+forum&meta=
Plus did you serve in Malaysia/Singapore/Brunei/Borneo between 1957 & 1966, a new medal has been awarded
by the King of Malaysia read about it here http://www.fight4thepjm.org/ or the forum here http://www.fight4thepjm.org/forum/
Saturday 29th April 2006
The voyage forum here http://www.voy.com/130994/ is by post approval only now, too many people planting medicine adverts, so apologies if this affects you.
Saturday 6th May 2006
A new RAF Chatroom has started here http://pub18.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1532174778 0900/1400/2000hrs UK time daily or make your own arrangements as the room is open 24/7
Saturday 3rd June 2006
If you are entitled to the new PJM Medal by serving in Malaysia between 1957-1966 click here http://www.fight4thepjm.org/index.htm we need your support
Updated 24th June 2006
Still wanting ' new recruits ' for the forum, if you haven't registered it is for free so come and join in on
the banter
Updated 8th July 2006
Re The PJM The UK Government have agreed to a review on 'the non wearing issue' which is great news, read about
it here http://www.fight4thepjm.org/forum/
Updated 22nd July 2006
The first PJM Medals were presented in London on the 19th July 2006
Photos here http://www.fight4thepjm.org/the_pjm_brit_presentation.htm
Updated August 12th 2006
The MoD have classified the PJM as a 'souvenir, or 'keepsake' demeaning its value to lots of Veterans, see the
above website for comments
Updated August 26th 2006
Anyone interested in meeting a load of ex RAF bods next Saturday 2nd September 2006 at Newark Aviation
Museum, Nottinghamshire, then read about it here
Saturday September 16th 2006
The first PJM medals are being presented outside London, I have been informed I will receive mine on October
1st 2006 at Colchester
Saturday 30th September 2006
Final details about the Colchester Castle Park Presentations is that the event starts at The War Memorial
at 0945hrs cummulating with a stone laying ceremony, medal presentation and march past. I have been informed that TV and the
press will be in attendance.
Saturday October 14th 2006
A brilliant day at The NMBVA Stone Laying Ceremony on October 1st at Colchester Castle, I felt very proud to
be part of this event, details of the parade and ceremony can be found here
Updated Saturday 4th November 2006
Anyone wishing to meet at Duxford on Sunday 12th November 2006 please see the top post on the RAF Forum here
Saturday 9th December 2006
Well November been and gone and no news on The PJM Medal reversal except that HMG will make an announcement
Saturday 23rd December 2006
Nothing further to add on the PJM until HMG returns from Christmas Holidays after Jan 2nd 2007, meanwhile Happy
Christmas to all our readers.
Saturday 6th January 2007
Delivery of the PJM is being stepped up, the first batch has been delivered to British Aussies from Canberra
whilst at home venues are being set up for recipients to receive theirs. 130 in Ipswich at the end of January and a large
venue in Birmingham within the next few weeks. The fight to wear continues!
Saturday 20th January 2007
Re the PJM nothing to add, we keep badgering the Top Civil Servants and every obstacle possible has been put
in our way, we are very angry!
Saturday 28th April 2007
I do apologise for not updating this website as frequently as I used to but most of the activity has been transferred
to this forum here, if you are ex RAF then this is a must for you
Updated 12th May 2007
Loads of activity on the forum, now averaging 100 new posts each day, don't miss out on everything RAF!
Updated Saturday 30th June 2007
There are a couple of updates on Hastings Bangs & Prangs page re TG602 and TG562
Updated Saturday July 21st 2007
Any of you regulars wishing to meet up at Duxford on Sunday 11th November 2007 please see here http://RAFForum.activeboard.com/
Updated Saturday August 4th 2007
The RAF Forum is now taking 2000+ hits a day with 80+ new posts being recorded daily, why not be part of it!
Updated Saturday 11th August 2007
The RAF Forum page has today been updated https://splashdown2.tripod.com/id32.html and an update to the PJM Page
Saturday August 25th 2007
An ex Battle of Britain Pilot has joined the forum here
Updated Saturday 9th February 2008
There are now over 36000 posts on the RAF Forum here http://RAFForum.activeboard.com/ which has attracted over 1000000 hits, don't miss out come and join in the banter............
For some reason GOOGLE have deemed iit necessary to place a notice stating that whilst searching ths site that
doing so may harm your computer, I have seen no evidence of this and indeed other search engines do not pass on the same message
and is still accessible. I have in the meantime opened up a 'more safer' website which I hope 'nerds' avoid attacking whoever
they may be? www.freewebs.com/681835/
Updated 10th April 2008
The GOOGLE problem appears to have been resolved regarding the site, why these restrictions were put in place
remains a mystery.....
Today I have added a brief report of the demise on WD484 at Boscombe Down.
Due to 'overstretch' can you please see the forum for updates here http://RAFForum.activeboard.com/ there are now 1.7 million hits and 45000 posts with over 1200 ex RAF types taking part, you never know who you might
November 2008
Some of us are meeting up at Duxford Museum on Sunday 9th November '08 at 1030hrs under the nose of Concorde
if you want to join us feel free.
The forum above has now had over 2.1 million hits with over 60000 posts and 1500+ members why not be part of
February 14th 2009 on Bangs & Prangs page
On 22nd June 1953 was ready for take off at RAF Abingdon with a crew of six onboard. It
has been stated that WJ335 rose to approximately 300' when it stalled and crashed with the loss of the six crew.
report suggests that the elevator control locks had been in the engaged position or reapplied after release, there had been
an apparent modification to prevent this from occuring.
I received these two emails from Brian Collins this week mid
February 2009
Dear Mr Cooper,
I believe that I can correct the brief report on this crash that you include
in your website. I was a newly commissioned Army Second Lieutenant at the time. I had volunteered for service in Airborne
Forces and in June 1953 was a member of a class of about 30 soldiers on the Parachute Course at RAF Abingdon.
On 22
June we were scheduled to make our first jump from an aircraft and while we were waiting in the "Sweat-box", a hut on the
edge of the airfield, the RAF Officer in charge of our course came in and told us that there would be a short delay because
"a Hastings from Lyneham was on its way to pick us up"
Sure enough, a few minutes later, he came back and told
us to line up outside the hut and watch the plane arrive. I clearly remember seeing the Hastings come in low from the West,
and it seemed to land heavily tail wheel first. It then cart-wheeled forward over onto its back and burst into flames.
RAF Officer, with amazing coolness said something like "Sorry about that, chaps, but we will have another plane here for you
soonest". He was quite right, a second Hastings arrived very quickly and we emplaned, took off and all jumped safely at RAF
You will see therefore why I know that the reason that you give for this accident, namely "crashed
on take off" is incorrect. The plane crashed while coming into land.
Please let me know if I can help further.
.....a further email in response to my reply
Thank you
for your response.
It certainly was a day to remember, especially as I had never flown in a plane before (our
two previous jumps had been from a balloon). I can also add that we were told that three of the fatal casualties were a spare
crew that was hitching a ride from Lyneham to Abingdon. The narrative in the link that you gave me is a puzzle. It certainly
does not tally with what I saw on that June morning. Please use my account if you wish.
Saturday 29th August 2009
I have started up a new page on Hastings TG577, if you look on the header bar you will see a link here
Saturday 19th September 2009
For anyone who has a connection with the RAF or USAAF at Martlesham Heath a new dedicated web forum has been
started here, if you can any add any memories or photos that would be great, thank you
I am still looking for photos & memories of this once famous Battle of Britain station, can you please help
RAF Martlesham Heath
3rd July 2010
Patrick Duncan wrote on 30th June 2010
I was an Air/Sig on 47 Sqn in the briefing room at Lyneham about to depart on the 'Fayid Slip' on
20th July 1953. I recall a FltSgt (?) Nav arriving in a rush having been called out from his married quarter to take over
from the original Nav who had gone sick. He had just acquired the necessary Air Almanacs to cover UK to Changi, quite a large
bundle tied up with lashing tape.
From my log book I see we departed for Luqa at 1515hrs, obviously with the usual delay! We returned
to Luqa from Fayid on 23rdJuly and I have memories of the NCO crew of 613 arriving in the Transit Mess, flying suits, hands
and faces glowing bright orange from the fluorescine dye marker used in the life jackets. We had quite a party, there was
always a large number of slip crews at Luqa whilst the slip service was operating. I said to the Nav that he need not have
bothered to acquire all the Air Almanacs after all! He said his most vivid memory was of climbing into the dinghy to be confronted
by the AirCmdr with his hat on and the 'scrambled Egg' on the peak glinting in the bright sunshine!
In addition to the 'gulping' problem, at the time the Hastings engines were also prone to 'coring'
but this could be overcome by feathering the affected donk for a short time then restarting it. 613 lost oil pressure and
temps off the clock, it would have resulted in fire if the engines were not feathered. The pilot did a great job
and fully deserved the AFC.
Updated 12th December 2010
A photograph of crashed Hastings TG559 by Stanley England that crashed at Abingdon 9th October 1953
Updated 8th January 2011
Many entries on the RAF Forum above with over 4 million hits now, 2500+ members and 140000 posts
Updated November 19th 2011
Now over 6000000 hits, 3000 registered members and close to 170000 posts