are 2500+ members on the Royal Air Force Forum who have made 160000+ posts, 90% of these members are either ex RAF
Types or still serving. This site has no connections with The Ministry of Defence and is no way official in any capacity.
To become a member all you need to do is register, there is no fee!
of 14th December 2010 there have now been in excess of 4.3 million hits
is an update 2nd September 2011 The Ministry of Defence appear to want to close such sites as the RAF Forum down, see here
a few brief examples of the posts:
Spam fritters and one yellowed eyed monster (assume it was an egg before the cooks got at it) swimming in a pool of cold grease
breakfast at 04.30 Hrs. before departing Innsworth to travel to Liverpool. I only hope the reason the food was so awful was
due to the early hour.
on the train to Liverpool via Birmingham New Street to find packed lunch consisted of Spam sandwiches and from memory
most of which went out of the window to cripple the poor birds, this being a very cold February I will leave it to
you to guess where forty-two RAF Corporals rushed on arrival at Birmingham waiting to be placed on the end of a late running
Liverpool train. I think it’s the one and only time I appreciated British Rail food.
Greycat/Eric Shepherd
Stationed at RAF Wellesbourne Mountford working in ASF, rectification of Oxfords, Harvards, and Chipmunks.
Detached to St Athan for my fitters course. Queens Coronation while here. Happy days except for the SWO who must have been
the village idiot in his younger days
RAF Pay Parade
The scenario was highly bulled floor, bedside mat and studded boots, guy marches up to officer i/c pay, comes
to a perfect halt, and slid under the table. Officer, pay and Boy Entrant all over the place, remainder of Boy Entrants in hysterics
and all for £3.17/6!!
In the winter of 52 with much snow and ice the MT boys at wildenrath were having a spate of minor accidents, The MTO
got them together for a good telling off, assuring them that the next one would be court martialed, He then got in his Volkswagon
and promptly skidded into a fence, Can you imagine the jeers and loud comments?

John Beavin